Craig said that it looked like an alien, it was very stormy. Craig has a son called Tom who works hard. Craig thought he was not a good dad. He could hold his breath for a long time. It is hard to go in the water when the water is 8-9 degrees. He doesn't wear a wetsuit. After 1 year of going in the water you get used to it. The seaweed is like a 3D forest, there were heaps of jellyfish. He felt like he was not on this planet. There was a cool shark called a Pyjama shark, there was a cuttlefish. Kelp forest there were lots of hiding holes for the octopus to live in. The octopus has trust in Craig and stuck on to his hand and started to follow him. Then the lens on his camara fell off and the octopus swam away. He spent 1 week looking for the octopus THEN THERE IT IS…. THE OCTOPUS! The octopus goes over to him and starts following him. the octopus clings onto his hand then he had to have a breath, he had to leave and say goodbye to the octopus. But the octopus didn't get off and came to the top then he left.
Her arm got bitten off, she got trapped in a rock and the pj shark ripped the arm off. She was milk white. 100 days later the arm had grown back. Craig was sad because it was his fault that the octopus got its arm bitten off. Day 320 and he saw another Octopus and they were mating when the octopus had its babies. The octopus was weak and fish were nibbling it. Craig went back to the octopus and it had died. Cooper cried